Open Yagyas
Yagyas those are open are not listed in our Yagya lists, for example Mahamrityunjaya, Rudrabhishek, Shatchandi and several other Yagyas by your wish or by recommendation of your astrologers with customization.
Planets drive our lives but we achieve by our good karma. According to our past karmas we get problems, obstacles and failures. Planets act to deliever these results compelled by the karma. when you do Yagya to pacify negatieve planets that means you filter evil energies sent by planets and reduce the effects. When you do Yagyas to boosts your planets that means the planets keep those results smoohtly reaching but that also has to be driven by karma. This means making planets happy can reduce evil effects of planets but can't get you money or successes. For this you must do intentional Yagyas listed on the website per purposes. It is a misconception that rectifying planets gets everything right. These are 2 different things and they need seperate remedy. However without having rectified planets you may not receive that much success by other Yagyas too. So do both Yagyas. If you have to choose one due to financial limitations, then choose Intentional Yagya and not Planetary Yagya. Intentional Yagya will still help you partially but Planetary Yagya will not help you solving problem or fulfilling desires.
Choose separate Yagyas for each purpose as 1 Yagya is not done t help in other purpose. For example Yagya for getting a child doesn't help in getting married too. If you are a high profile person or a business or a group of people or if you have higher goals then you must do which work far stronger, faster and with accelerated effects that heals your problems and helps you getting big results. High Capacity Yagyas are the unque technology by Ved Bhawan are are required if more people are involved, thrid party decisions are involved, protection or results are expected from the first day or heavy purpose is involved. For example: to improve income you may Choose stndard A Yagyas but for ambitious income (more than 3 times higher then present) you must Choose High Capacity Yagya. You may do Standars A Yagya for recovery from non-severe-illnesses but to prevent an accident, to recover from injury or for a surgery High Capacity yagya must be opted. For finding a suitable job an A Yagya is good but for a high profile job or for professional business HC Yagyas are required. For finding love A Yagya may be OK but for getting desired partner or saving love HC Yagyas must be opted.
At the end we would mention, we keep you free to choose whatever you want and whatever your finance allows but keep in mind that a full remedy must be done and it applies to a king and beggar in same way. You may choose a small Yagya and save money but it may be too less to help. At the other end, if you do bigger Yagyas, it has no overdose system and is always a plus.