Yagyas on Vasant Panchami
Yagya Center: Ved Bhawan India | |
High Capacity Yagya starts with High Acceleration | |
Wish to Book a Yagya ? |
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Vasant Panchami or Saraswati Puja shall be celebrated this year on 16 February 2021
Goddess Saraswati is wife of Creator Brahma, one of the Devine Trinity, and is giver of Knowledge, wisdom, Skills, Intelligence, Memory, Think Power, Speakability, Creativity and several other abilities those mankind uses to earn his bread-butter but also to decide about his life, his business, his partner, his marriage, his action and reaction and about every aspect of his life. Goddess Saraswati rules over what we think, what we decide, what we understand and what we speak. All activities related to the brain, memory, and speech are ruled by her and hence her blessings are very crucial in all areas of life. Be it a doctor or a teacher, a writer, a speaker, an artist, a politician or a businessman - everyone thinks and decides wrongs and rights and by blessings of Goddess Saraswati can secure right decisions, right words and right executions. Vasant Panchami means the 5the day of Vasant which is on the 5 the day of brighter Magh month according to the Vedic Calendar and is the birthday of Goddess Saraswati. Whoever you are, wherever you are and whichever sector of the society you belong to, this day is very important for you and for the yagyas for your purposes. Saraswati Puja is widely and necessarily done by students and educators throughout India and abroad but also those who live on their knowledge don't forget to thank Goddess Saraswati.
Yagyas for these specific Purposes are recommended on/from this day:
-- For knowledge and wisdom
-- For improving or repairing memory
-- For education and success in education
-- For removal of obstacles from education, competition, examinations and training
-- For Securing higher success in examinations, professional tests and training
-- For skills and intelligence for executive post
-- For general intelligence and memory
-- For improvement in learning power
-- For spiritual knowledge, intuitions and enlightenment
-- For improving creativity skills
-- For improving speeching skills
-- For motivation in education for children and students
-- For saving job qualification problems
4 Types of Yagyas ?
Vedic Yagyas (VY)
It is a package of 3 Yagyas for a single purpose. Denoted by the letter A at the end, this Yagya means that it is done by 7 Pandits in 7 half-day schedules of 5 hours daily. It is a total 320 hours of work and costs US $1171. Except VY110A all A Yagyas are good enough to address serious problems or desires of individuals. However if the problems are severe, big or complicated or desires are of high profile or for a group of people like a family or a company then selecting High Capacity Yagya is appropriate.